The world today is digital- from work to leisure, the greater part of our routine activities involve staring at the screen of some electronic device or the other. As such, it is important to give our eyes a good rest at the end of the day.
Since getting 8 hours of sleep at night is more ideal than practical for most students and professionals, it is important that we work out other ways to pamper our eyes after all those long-drawn hours of screen time. One such technique involves the use of scented eye masks (like a lavender eye mask) as part of aromatherapy.
What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that has gained recognition in the field of medicine and science, of late. This technique involves the use of aromatic essential oils made from natural plant extracts to provide a holistic healing experience for the body, mind and spirit. Aromatherapy works majorly through the sense of smell and skin absorption.
The increasing popularity of this practice is a consequence of its wide range of benefits. Aromatherapy has shown proven results in improving sleep quality, reducing stress and anxiety, providing relief from headaches and migraines, soothing sore joints, alleviating body aches, and much more.
What is an Aromatic Eye Mask?
An eye mask, like the name itself suggests, is an accessory worn over the eyes, mostly to block out light and promote sound sleep. These sleep masks can be made of a variety of materials, including fabric, gel, or foam, depending upon the purpose they are intended to serve. For instance, an eye mask for skincare (to reduce dark circles, puffiness) usually contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid or collagen, while an eye mask designed for stress relief and relaxation is more likely to be filled with a cooling gel or infused with natural herbs or essential oils.
Aromatic eye masks were made to combine the benefits of aromatherapy with the comfort of an eye mask. Herbs or essential oil blends are inserted into these eye masks. Breathing in the aromatic compounds unwinds the user and helps in relaxing and calming down. Cloth-based aromatherapy eye masks are worn upon the eyes directly, while the gel-based ones are either refrigerated or mildly heated before use, as per the product instructions. Nature Creation deals in premium lavender sleep masks for aromatherapy.
The benefits of using Aromatherapy Eye Masks
Besides improving overall quality of sleep, aromatherapy eye masks are also known to provide more targeted benefits- depending upon the blend of extracts that it is infused with. Rosemary oil is well-known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, an eye mask with peppermint oil is great at reducing dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.
A chamomile or lavender eye mask, on the other hand, can promote a deeper and more restful sleep because of its tranquilizing power. Let us delve deeper into the possible advantages of wearing aromatherapy eye masks to bed.
1. Sleeping Aid
One of the main benefits of using aromatherapy eye masks is their ability to promote better sleep. As intended for all eye masks, they block out light, which can be especially helpful for people who are sensitive to light and have trouble sleeping in well-lit environments. Chamomile and lavender sleep mask is the best choice for use as a sleeping aid.
2. Stress Relief
The stress-relieving benefits of aromatherapy are all packed in aromatherapy eye masks. The essential oils used in aromatherapy eye masks are known for their calming properties and can help to reduce tension in the muscles and promote a sense of peace and calm, helping the user unwind and relax.
3. Pain Relief
In addition to promoting better sleep and reducing stress, aromatherapy eye masks can also provide relief from minor headaches, tension and stress. Some sleep masks are filled with gel or clay which can be chilled in the refrigerator before use, providing a cool sensation that can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Nature Creation’s lavender eye mask serves the above purposes well.
4. Skincare
Another benefit of using aromatherapy eye masks is their ability to improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes. Chilled in the refrigerator, many eye masks can help reduce puffiness & dark circles around the eyes; including the lavender sleep mask by Nature Creation.
Aromatherapy eye masks are a great way to unwind after a long, tiring day. Made with 100% natural extracts, the lavender eye mask by Nature Creation is easy to use, and has confirmed benefits. Shop it now from our website.